
Due to a recent change in the ownership of the Neotek name and copyrights, we have been notified to cease operation of the schematic download section of the web site. As of December 4th, ownership of Neotek's intellectual property rights has transferred from MartinSound to Sytek Audio Systems. Per the request of Mr. Mike Stoica, and in accordance with copyright law, we can no longer post digital files of their schematics. Apparently, someone was downloading these image files and selling them on eBay, in violation of our policies, of U.S. copyright law, and at the expense of Sytek Audio Systems. Due to the actions and greed of this individual (who is NOT one of our subscribers), our goal of being able to provide instant access to all Neotek schematics to owners and technicians is no longer possible.

We have a tentative agreement with Mr. Stoica that would allow us to electronically forward a requested schematic to individual members, but we can not have the entire documentation sets available on the web. Mr. Stoica indicated that he will be able to provide schematics and drawings to support the installed base of consoles that we are all using. He also indicated an intent to provide future technical and parts support to Neotek owners and technicians.

In the interim, and until we can have this issue resolved to the satisfaction of the new ownership, please send any requests for schematics or other documentation to Mike Stoica at:

It was never the intention of the owners of this mail list to aid those who would steal money by infringement of copyrighted information, but only to assist in the support of the consoles we all use and service. However, as any bozo with a computer and ISP can have access to our site and we have no control over their actions, we ended up in the unfortunate position between a rock and a hard place.

We intend to continue with the mail list, to offer any technical support we can and to assist all Neotek owners and service technicians as much as possible. As far as the future of any downloadable schematics or other image files, this remains to be seen but is unlikely. We encourage all of our subscribers to continue to use the mail list as the resource it was intended to be; free to all users at our expense.

Regards, Jim